Cody Rhodes appears with his injured arm in a cast at a non-wrestling WWE event [Photo]
Cody Rhodes found himself on the wrong side of an assault by Brock Lesnar recently, and that put him in a bad spot. The Beast Incarnate focused on his arm and, twice on the May 22 episode of RAW, looked to break it. Since then, Cody Rhodes has worn a cast. He was pictured with the cast even at a non-wrestling-focused event.
Rhodes was put in the Kimura lock on that episode of RAW, with Lesnar bending his arm in ways no arm should ever bend. It was believed that the arm was broken on that occasion.
Despite that, Rhodes competed at Night of Champions against Lesnar and lost to the star due to technical submission. This now gives both stars one win over the other. It's expected that they may face each other one more time heading into SummerSlam.
WWE put out a lot of pictures focusing on the inclusivity of wrestling. Multiple superstars, both faces and heels, appeared with a glass frame saying, "love has no labels." With Pride Month currently ongoing, this was WWE doing its part as well.
But fans quickly spotted that even though this was not part of a storyline, and it was a non-wrestling corporate photoshoot, Rhodes remained in character. He was pictured holding the frame with the cast on his arm.
While the injury is kayfabe, the star has been selling it since it happened and didn't break character even for the photoshoot.
Cody Rhodes is currently involved in a feud with Dominik Mysterio heading into WWE Money in the Bank
Injured arm or not, Cody Rhodes has not been sitting on the sidelines since losing to Lesnar. After getting off on the wrong foot with The Judgment Day when Dominik slapped him, the star is set for a match against the young Mysterio at Money in the Bank 2023.
The two will face each other in a singles match, where Rhodes will attempt to get payback.
Do you think Cody Rhodes will beat Dominik? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
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