What is the meaning of NYSC in Nigeria?

Publish date: 2024-06-05

What is the meaning of NYSC and why Nigerians should serve in this type of programme? What is hidden there? It’s one of the most ambitious projects of the Nigerian government. The main task of the organization is to involve Nigerian youth in the development of the country.

What is the National Youth Service Corps?

The NYSC scheme was actually created in the desire to reconstruct Nigeria after the civil war. The unfortunate incidents in our past helped Nigeria to realize that creating patriotic corps is necessary for our survival and unity. The national corps were created under the decree N 24 of 22nd May 1973.

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According to the decree, the NYSC was created under the view of developing common ties between various states of Nigeria. Therefore, it can create the national unity that is able to withstand any problems.

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Nigerian youth is provided to be not just in service of something, but in providing their ideas to solve the problems with poverty, under development, shortage of skill power, problems with infrastructure and facilities. Moreover, uneven distribution is also a large problem which needs to be solved in our country immediately.

Nigeria has a lot of problems which draws us back from developed countries. For instance, communication system, healthcare services, water and sewage facilities. You can find almost intractable problems that came to us after the civil war. Therefore, when the organization was established it had the following goals:

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What are the main objectives of NYSC?

First of all, it’s to create the patriotic environment that can overcome any differences between the states and tribes of Nigeria; It’s necessary to raise the moral tone of Nigerian Youth that can be given to them by the opportunity of learning new cultures within their own lands.

To help Nigerian Youth to acquire the spirit of self-reliance by encouraging them to develop skills that they will definitely need in their future career. It’s also necessary to develop the common ties between all Nigerians and remove any prejudice between tribes. It’s also necessary to create the atmosphere of cooperation. Therefore, all Nigerians in the corps present their tribes and present only the best features of their nation.

Nigerian Youth are presented in the camps to present all types of tolerance, like by religious, nationality, the color of the skin and so on. Therefore, it will only build cooperation and unity among the youth.

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Therefore, the National Youth Service Corps is created to serve only in the best interests of Nigeria. It’s an honor to be part of this organization and represent your state to work for the better future of all Nigerians!

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Source: Legit.ng
